Which minor Disney character is your spirit animal?

Not all of us can be Snow White. #sorrynotsorry

Alexandra Wilson
Created by Alexandra Wilson (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 13, 2015

How do you achieve your goals?

Which Disney princess would you want to be BFFs with?

Your go-to comfort food is something...

Your life story is a...

In a word, your style can be described as...

Your co-workers describe you as...

Your most recent crush...

Your first priority is...

Pick your favorite quote:

Cinderella's Dad

Cinderella's Dad

You're actually pretty great! Loving, caring, aware of the important things in life... but you sometimes have poor taste in people, especially with second wives and potential stepdaughters. Better luck next time on that one.

Grandmother Fa

Grandmother Fa

Fun but traditional, and wise beyond your years. You trust that things will work out in the end, but you're not afraid to use the occasional good luck charm to help get there. Maybe you should try looking both ways before you cross the street, or at least keep your eyes - on, I don't know - open? A lucky cricket only gets you so far.

Prince Achmed

Prince Achmed

Bold, beautiful, and proud of who you are. You're confident with your life and your choices and you want everyone to know about it! And why shouldn't they? You're awesome, though your pride is wounded easily. And so are your pants. By tigers. Tigers eat your pants. Wear better pants.



Speedy, efficient, and reliable. You might not be at the top of the food chain, but you take pride in where you work (even if you have to report to Zazu instead of Mufasa). You do what you need to do to get the job done, even if sometimes you annoy people in the process.



Tough on the outside but a total softie on the inside. People sometimes misjudge you by what they see, but you can change anyone's opinion after talking with them for a bit. You also may have a thing for unicorns, which is totally cool and not weird. Everybody has to have something.

The Bimbettes

The Bimbettes

Social, bubbly, and a whole lot of fun. People love being around you and you love being around them. You don't need to be the center of attention, but you do love a good piece of gossip. Unless it involves your crush getting married to some weird chick. That just won't do, but at least you can commiserate with your besties.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021