Why Brooke Davis is a role model for young girls everywhere.

Brooke Penelope Davis is a character from hit tv show drama One Tree HIll.

Alexandria Luker
Created by Alexandria Luker(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 22, 2017

She was Head Cheerleader.

I'm not saying being Head Cheerleader should be you life's ambition, but Brooke liked and worked hard at being Head Cheerleader + It was way for her to connect with her friends. Overall Brooke had a hobby that she enjoyed and worked hard at. Which is important and she knew and embraced it.


She was an Amazing Friend.

Brooke was an amazing friend. Which she proved again and again throughout the Show. Brooke never cared about how popular you where, what you wore, or what you looked like. With Brooke it was always what kind of friend you are.


She was Student Body President.

Brooke was involved in School like young girls should be, and she became student body president to show she is independent and has power.


She Started her Fashion Line Clothes Over Bros in HighSchool.

The fact that Brooke wasn't afraid to follow her dream is really brave in the first place. Brooke knew what she wanted in high school which rarely most teens do and she went for it on top of being in high school, head cheerleader, and student body president + keeping up with her social life. Plus the name Clothes over Bros came from when her and her ex-boyfriend + her first love Lucas broke up she decided she was going to focus on herself and her dreams instead of searching for a boy.


She overcame her stereotypes.

Brooke was fed up with her stereotypes of being a women. She showed everybody who she is and she is not her stereotypes, but just like everyone else Brooke feared not being good enough but liked I said she showed everybody who she is and showed she is more than enough.


Brooke Was The Best God Mother Jamie Could Ask For.

When Nathen and Haley 2 of her best friends had their son Jamie they trusted Brooke enough to make her Jamie's GodMother. Brooke was an amazing GodMother and these 2 thought of each other like family and had the cutest relationship.


She knew without Love, Friends, and Family all the Money and Fame in the world didn't matter.

When Brooke's Fashion Line Clothes over Bros became big in the fashion industry she rose to fame and fortune. Although Brooke felt very blessed to have it all she didn't feel fulfilled or happy because she didn't have love. her friends and a family. She knew love and the people in your your life are more important than the money and fame.


She was an a Amazing Mom

When Brooke moved back to Tree Hill so she could be with her friends and find love and a family. She didn't look for a man she decided to adopt she wanted a family and to have somebody to love who would love her right back. She Fostered a baby girl named Angie and a teenage girl named Sam. Unfortunately Angie was adopted and Sam went to live with her birth mom. She was told she couldn't have kids when her and her boyfriend at the time now husband had a pregnancy scare. Once her and her husband Julian decided to adopt the mom backed out last minute but in the end Brooke and Julian defeated the odds and got pregnant with twin boys (Davis and Jude). Throughout all of this Brooke showed just how maternal she really is and that she was meant to be a mom.


When Brooke was Attacked and Robbed she used the unfortunate experience to make her stronger.

Brooke Store Clothes Over Bros was robbed and she was attacked. She had an emotional break down but then rose above and let the experience make her stronger. She even confronted her attacker Xavier when he took Sam.


She was an Amazing Wife.

When Brooke was in HighSchool she fell in love with her first love Lucas they were off and on due to the fact Brooke's best friend Peyton and Lucas were meant for eachother. Lucas wanted to be with Brooke for the most part and Peyton ignored her feelings for Brooke but in the end Lucas nor Peyton could deny their feelings. They all remained friends in the end but the whole experience really hurt Brooke which caused her to put up a wall when comes to love. Her husband Julian was the first boy who could ever break down that wall and for that Brooke fell completely in love with Julian and made the best wife.


She Started another Clothing Line - Baker Man

When Clothes over Bros when into financial trouble and Victoria took loans from other people and then the business was still trouble Brooke sold her company to give everyone their money back. Which she knew was the right thing to do but it was devastating for her to not design clothes and have a company anymore. Although when her twin boys Davis and Jude were born she made a new company called Baker Man based on her husband and son's last name and the nursery rhyme. She started to make baby clothes which involve her two favorite things fashion and her family.


She believed in Second Chances.

Brooke always put her friends and family first and believed in second chances. Brooke's parents have been letting her down since day one but she gave them chance after chance eventually they finally stepped up to the plate. Brooke didn't just give her parents a second chance she gave her best friend Peyton and her Ex Boyfriend Lucas when he cheated on her with Peyton. Also her foster daughter Sam was actually introduced to Brooke when she stole from Clothes over Bros and then called Brooke a Bitch when she caught her. Those are just a few examples on how forgiving Brooke is and shows she is a true believer in second chances.


She Believed In Herself.

Brooke knew she was special and that she was one in a million. She wasn't afraid to stand up to for herself and stand her ground. She embraced who she was and was never apologetic, And through her self confidence she always said want she needed to say and stood up for her loved ones. Plus she knew she was Sexy as Hell.


She Knew How To Have Fun And Enjoy Life.

Brooke definitely had some hard times through out her life time, but she never forget to have fun and show off her Flawless Smile.


B.Davis is Beautiful Inside and Out.

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