Can We Guess What Region You Are From Based On An Awesome Game Of Would You Rather?
Can We Guess What Region You Are From Based On An Awesome Game Of Would You Rather?
Are you ready for this?
Are you ready for this?

Would you rather be perfectly tan all winter or comfortably cool all summer?
Would you rather have a head the size of a tennis ball or the size of a watermelon?
Which of these childhood dreams would you actually want to come true?
Would you rather never have sex again or never eat again?
If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, would you pick pizza or brownies?
Which one of these bombshells would you most want to look like?
Would you rather step on a lego, or walk into the corner of a table?
If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life would you rather it be "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" or "Bohemian Rhapsody?"
Would you rather have unlimited respect or unlimited power?
West Coast
West Coast
You are from the West Coast! You love sun, surf, and relaxation! You have definitely tried a juice cleanse at some point in your life, and you're all about the macrobiotic diet.
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You're used to cold weather, serious people, and being stuck behind an Amish carriage. You're up on everything that is cool and trendy, and you think it's super gauche to freak out over celebrities. You vacation at the cape every summer.
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You love sweet tea and fried chicken. The summer is hot enough to kill a man, but you would never leave the most beautiful part of the country. You love country music, tailgating, and your rifle. You're all about the strong values you were raised on, and there ain't nothing wrong with that.
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You're from the land of sprawling fields of green. You can measure your height by corn stalks. You love the spread out land and the rolling countryside. You're from the friendliest area in the country, where everyone will say hello in the street whether they know you or not.
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The best food and people in the world are found in the southwest. You believe there ain't nothing more American than an ice cold beer, a pickup truck, and the 2nd Amendment. You love your family and your country too.
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