Which Fake Career Suits You?
Which Fake Career Suits You?
We've all wanted to be something we're not at one point or another. Don't lie. Find out what your ideal fake career is.
We've all wanted to be something we're not at one point or another. Don't lie. Find out what your ideal fake career is.

How do you like to spend your free time?
You’re meeting someone for the first time. How do you present yourself?
Someone asks you a question, and you don’t know the answer. How do you respond?
How many years of college would you be willing to commit to?
Your engine starts on fire, what do you do?
When you eat out, where do you like to go?
How happy are you with your present job?
Which of these careers would you love to have?
You give structure to the world (hypothetically), bringing order to chaos. With the right career and the right parents, you could really build yourself up into something impressive.
Marine Biologist
Marine Biologist
If your idea of a good time is a day at the beach, why not pretend to be a marine biologist? What's the worst that could happen? A whale beaches itself, and you have to save the giant fish (mammal) from certain peril? Like that would happen.
You could be happy pretending to spend your days importing and exporting things. What things? I don't know: potato chips, gum, carnauba wax. I don't know. Lots of things get imported and exported.
You like sports. You like reading about sports. So why not be a sportswriter. If you can BS your way through sports statistics, you're in!