Can You Recognize These 80s Cult Classics By The Screen Capture?
Can You Recognize These 80s Cult Classics By The Screen Capture?
Prove your retro-mastery by nailing all 15 of these 80s faves.
Prove your retro-mastery by nailing all 15 of these 80s faves.
Created by Alex McCarthy
On Oct 10, 2016
Can you recognize the classic?
And how about this one?
Go on...
Cinema Rad!
Cinema Rad!
Clearly, you know your 80s cult favorites. You're dedication to this decade and its classic cinema is impressive. Totally bodacious work, dude or dudette!
Cinema Bummer.
Cinema Bummer.
Not bad, but you gotta be less of a melvin to catch all the cult hits of the 80s. Seriously, don't have a cow. All you gotta do is keep your eyes glued to the tube and you'll catch on!
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