Can You Match The Disturbing Crime To Its Home State?
Can You Match The Disturbing Crime To Its Home State?
Be the detective and. match the creepy crime to its home state--either Wisconsin or Texas.
Be the detective and. match the creepy crime to its home state--either Wisconsin or Texas.

After arresting a man for murder, police found furniture and belts made from human skin and organs in his house.
A couple was found literally butchered and stacked inside their own fridge. Their attic-dwelling son was suspected, but no one was ever convicted.
Like something out of a horror movie, a ruthless killer stalked a small-town lovers' lane between February and May of 1946, taking the lives of eight young adults.
Known as the "candy man," using accomplices he lured and murdered almost thirty teenage boys in the early 70's.
While drunk and zonked out on pills, a motorist hits a bicyclist and fails to notice him stuck in their windshield until much later.
To avoid his sex offender status and collect a substantial life insurance policy, a man dug up a corpse and used it to fake his own death.
A woman decided to leave behind a little surprise for her fellow K-Mart shoppers in the form of a pile of her own feces.
Three men are convicted of necrophilia after digging up the corpse of a 20-year-old woman whose picture they saw in the obituaries.
Two girls are arrested after stabbing their friend, in an attempt to impress the Slender Man, an Internet-based creepy pasta.
In 2009, a major in the Army opened fire at a military base, killing 13 and wounding 30 others.