Are you a bender?
Are you a bender?
Answer the questions to find out whether you are a bender, the Avatar, or a non-bender.
Answer the questions to find out whether you are a bender, the Avatar, or a non-bender.
Find out if you are a bender and which type of bender you are!
Choosing a nation might be hard. Finding out whether you are a bender at all or not could be even harder. Answer the quiz below to find out from which nation in the Avatar universe you are and whether you are a bender, the Avatar, or a non-bender.
In the Avatar universe, you'll most likely end up fighting at some point. If you were being attacked, which tactic would you most likely choose?
When the fight continues, you find it easiest to...
Which of these words would you say apply to you best? (I know, this is a really ground-breaking question)
Which martial art would you like to learn, if you could learn any?
Which direction does the wind guide you?
Sadly, you have died. However, your organs could safe someone else's life; which organ do you think would be most likely to save someone first?
Time for rebirth. During which season were you born, or would you like to be born in?
Time to think of less Avatar-universe-traditional elements. What would you like to bend?
Imagine there were Five Elements, just like in Wu Xing. Which one would you bend? (Note: Not 1:1 to the elements you are used to)
What is your favourite gem?
Which of these words reasons with you the most?
Time for some straightforward questions. Do you want to be the Avatar? (This does not mean you won't be the Avatar if you say no.)
Is there an element you'd rather not possess? (Again, this doesn't mean you won't get it.)
The bird or the cage?
What part of your body would you say is the strongest?
Choose one of the 5 elements again; but this time, I'll tell you what they stand for.
Non-Bender of the Fire Nation
Non-Bender of the Fire Nation
Non-Bender of the Water Tribe
Non-Bender of the Water Tribe
Non-Bender of the Earth Kingdom
Non-Bender of the Earth Kingdom
Non-Bender of the Air Nation
Non-Bender of the Air Nation
Okay or meh?
Okay or meh?