Which Great Big Sea member are you?

Have you ever wondered if are most like Alan, Sean, Bob, Murray or Kris? This will be help you find out!

Allie P
Created by Allie P (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

What's your favourite instrument?

What's your favourite part of summer camp?

What was your favourite subject in school?

What is your most positive quality?

If someone dislikes you, it is most likely because of your......

What is your idea of a great Saturday night?

You just had one of those days when everything went wrong, what is your reaction?

Which of these vacation spots sounds most appealing?

What are you most likely to get in trouble for at work or school?

What do you think of technology?

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

Which of these activities did you enjoy the most as a child?

What is the most important thing to consider when purchasing a product?

Other than music, what form of entertainment do you enjoy the most?

Which of these careers sounds most appealing to you?

Now, what type of job would you enjoy the least?

What is your biggest pet peeve?

What type of weather sounds perfect to you?



You are outgoing and optimistic. You love to have a good time and have tons of friends and social contacts. Also, you love to be the centre of attention. If someone misunderstands you, they may think that you are a bit self-absorbed, but those understand you think that you are a ton of fun!



You have a good sense of humour and are compassionate. You are also an introvert, but like to be around people sometimes. You are quite artsy and enjoy philosophical topics. Sometimes, you can be a bit moody, but when you are in a good mood, you are a super nice, kind person to be around.



You are smart and polite, but also a bit of rebel. You are very shy and quiet and mostly like to keep to yourself; you probably enjoy reading. You are also very talented. You are also very traditional. Some people may think you are too old-fashioned, but you just like to preserve your heritage, that's all.



You have a fantastic sense of humour and love to have fun. You are straight-forward and very kind. On the introvert-extrovert scale, you probably fall right in the middle; you truly enjoy being around people, but can be a little shy as well. Once you start a project, you tend to really get into it and have strong opinions. Some may think that a bit opinionated, but you are just passionate and are still open to hearing other opinions.



You are personable, but quiet. You are very fair and kind to everyone. Though you can be shy, you are friendly once you get to know someone. You are also very modern and love technology. You are also fairly family-orientated and enjoy spending time with them when ever possible.



You have quite a good sense of humour and like to spend time with your family. You are a bit hard to get to know, but everyone who knows you likes you!

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