What is your soul color?

I am magic. I can tell your soul color!

Ali Memmott
Created by Ali Memmott(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

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You are compelled to be a bright, vibrant person, who brings light to those around you.



You are an elegant, beautiful person. You are compelled to be brave, and stick up for the little guy.



No matter how much you try not to be, you are compelled to be honest, responsible, and Kind. You are, in short, the kind of person every parent wants their teenager to be.



You are sweet, kind, and adorably beautiful. You are the diamond in the sea of glass that is the world.



You are quite the sly person, and no matter how much you try to be like everyone else, you just can't keep thinking outside of the box.

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