We'll Help You Pick The Perfect Christmas Gift For Your Lovely Dog

Your dog is part of the family, so should absolutely get a Christmas present. Here's what you should buy yours based on their doggy personality.

Alishah Fasquel
Created by Alishah Fasquel
On Nov 25, 2016

Choose a best friend for your dog...

Where would your dog teleport to right now?

Your dog most likes to...

What is your dog's human life calling?

You present your pooch with these items, which does it pick up?

Your dog spends the most time...

Classic Chequered Dog Scarf

Classic Chequered Dog Scarf

Your prized pooch is every inch the wintry canine middle-class gentleman/lady who needs a gift to symbolise their status. Something to add a touch of class on those cold morning walks will draw envious glances from the other dogs and make yours feel like a million dog biscuits

Custom Dog Portrait

Custom Dog Portrait

Your pampered pooch likes to look and feel good and is never happier than when all the attention is on him/her. That's why a pet portrait is the perfect gift for your dog this Christmas, taking pride of place in your living room where everyone can see.

Dog Tepee Bed

Dog Tepee Bed

Your dog is a chilled, fun and easy-going character whose human alter-ego would probably be living it up at a festival somewhere taking in all the vibes. With that in mind, we think a tepee tent bed would be the ideal gift for your happy, hippy pooch.

A Weekend Away

A Weekend Away

Your dog is so active and full of life that, really, the best gift you can give is your time. Why not plan a weekend break somewhere with rolling scenery and take your pooch with you to explore. Then we're sure your dog won't begrudge you an evening in a cosy pub after all that exertion.

An Adorable Christmas Outfit

An Adorable Christmas Outfit

You can always rely on your dog to make you laugh and smile after a long day - even though sometimes he or she makes an almighty mess that you'll have to clean up. Use Christmas to make the most of your pooches comic nature and buy the cutest costume you can find for those festive family photos.

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On Nov 18, 2021