Which X-Factor Contestant Are These Hilarious Louis Walsh Quotes About?
Which X-Factor Contestant Are These Hilarious Louis Walsh Quotes About?
Can you match Louis' expert critiques on the show to the X-Factor wannabe at the time?
Can you match Louis' expert critiques on the show to the X-Factor wannabe at the time?

"For all the right reasons, I'm going to say no"
"I love your little girl voice"
"After that performance, the UK has found itself a new Celine Dion"
"You remind me a little bit of Professor Green"
"You look like Ricky Jer-vay [Gervais] singing karaoke at a Christmas Party"
"You remind me of a young Lenny Henry"
"You look like a diva, sing like a diva, and dance like a diva"
"You put it downnnnn, baby girl"
"You remind me of a young Gary Barlow"
"You could be the new Boyz II Men"
"You’ve got the Irish charm, you’ve got the youth and to me, you’re like Fed-Ex - you always deliver"
"I meet kids everywhere and all they want to see is…"