Which Starbucks Drink Are You?
Which Starbucks Drink Are You?
Find out which yummy Starbucks drink you are here :)
Find out which yummy Starbucks drink you are here :)
Do you prefer hot drinks, or cold drinks?
Choose a Chick Flick to watch.
What baked good would you order with your drink?
Which female pop singer do you like best?
What do your friends love about you?
What negative word might someone use to describe you?
What reality TV show would you rather watch?
Choose a pet to adopt.
Which is your favourite holiday?
Who are your favourite TV duo?
What is your personal style like?
Which pastel colour do you like best?
What would you like for Christmas this year?
How would you most like to spend a lazy day?
Which formal dress do you like best?
What are you most likely to dress up as for Halloween?
Pick a popular junk food to indulge on.
Finally, choose a drink to have if you can't have Starbucks.
Caramel Frappuccino
Caramel Frappuccino
You are a Caramel Frappuccino! You are sweet, popular, and loved by many.
Pumpkin Spice Latte
Pumpkin Spice Latte
You are a Pumpkin Spice Latte! You are warm and comforting. Some people love you, others aren't so sure.
Caffe Americano
Caffe Americano
You are a Caffè Americano! You are classic, refined and enjoy the simple things in life.
Peppermint Mocha
Peppermint Mocha
You are a Peppermint Mocha! You are a little bit quirky and different, but have a great group of people who care for you.
Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher
Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher
You are a Very Berry Hibiscus Refresher! You are cool, relaxed and are a breathe of fresh air.
Skinny Vanilla Latte
Skinny Vanilla Latte
You are a Skinny Vanilla Latte! You have very particular tastes, are determined and would do anything for your friends.