which one of my oc's are you?
which one of my oc's are you?
Answer the questions below to find out.
Answer the questions below to find out.
what is your favorite color? (out of these)
which one of these places appeal best to you?
which animal appeals more to you?
what would you want in a man?
which one of these places would you live in?
which one of these foods appeal to you?
out of these jobs, which one would you pick?
what is your hobby?
what kind of TV genre do you like?
what kind of power do you want out of these?
Are you a mean or nice person or in the middle?
last question, did you like this quiz?
you are stronger than anyone alive,you are brave,bold,and sometimes hot headed, you have the power of the strength of 10,000 men, when someone you care about is in trouble, you beat the crap out of them, (and most of the time kill them by acedent) you skip school and have 10 other sisters too.(model is based of snow white)
you are a very smart girl, in fact, the smartest girl of them all! you love to read and write, you hate being lazy, and you have the power of light, you are not hurt by the suns rays, but if you stay in the dark, you'll die. but don't worry about that, just prove the world wrong by acing all your tests! (model is based of belle)
you prefer fashion over all the things in the world, your dream is to become the master of designer fashion, you love the color pink, you want to find your soulmate, and are a little hot-headed, the power you have is fire, which means you aren't ever hurt by flames, but you are hurt by water (no swimming for you 😈) but that's okay because you can hang out in the sun all day long, basicly the best power ever, just stay clear of water. (model based off aoura)
forget boys, all you want is food!!!! your power is wind, that is all.👯 (model based off cinderella)
you LOVE the water, in fact! you can breath under water and talk to sea creatures too! your power is water, you are kind and love to play with your loved ones! happiness is always with you! (model based off areil)
you are a goofball, you love the outdoors, and love animals, your power is earth! you can turn into any helpful animal on the planet! and can control the earth, wow! (model based off tiana)
all you want is the power of science! and books too, your power is ice! you get the point,
(model based off elsa)
you love gymnastics! and have a bad habit of eating erasers, your power is rubber! you can strech or break aa bone and be fine, (model based off anna)
you are very creepy and badass, your power is darkness, you can stay in the dark forever and be fine, you can also make copy's of your self and become a shadow (model based off merida)
you are addicted to your phone, in fact nothing else maters to you but your phone, your power is magic. let's say your taking a sun tan at the beach and you don't want sand on you, just snap your fingers while whispering "magic shield" boom! now you have an invisible bubble around you! to bad it lasts 24 hours. (model based off jazmen)
you love music and look cute in any outfit, your power is sound, just imagen it, (model based off moana)
you are the dirtiest person of them all, you power is dance, for example, if you were to break dance, a layer of dance power will come in and in large it self all the way around the room and back to you, basically, your amazing! but don't get too cocky. (model based off Pocahontas)
young and beautiful, your dream is to become the worlds most famous guitarist your power is music! your can attack with your musical melodies, and not to whack your guitar on someones head?!?! (model based off ????)
you are a sassy mega bitch, your lucky god loves you or would have been in hell right now. Your power is life. You create things! (model based off Alice from the "Alice in wonderland" movie)
you are a brat, and all you care about is your reputation, your power is void. just picture it. oh and you are a murderer (model based off mulan)
you want to become a doctor when you grow up, and your a perfectionist! your power is grass. weak i know but you do help the earth out! (model based off Anastasia from the "Anastasia" movie)
you are very kind and pretty too, you want to master everything, and want lot's of friends, your power is lighting, you can zap others, and you can call a strom to anyone's position. (model based off rupunzel)
you are very sweet and angelic, and love art, your power is mind, you can fly and make an object move with your mind, and you can use telephathy as well. (model based off baby snow white)
a girl who has been set for exaction
just play it...
find out which of my oc's you'll be, (don't ask just do it for fun!)
do u like your result?
do u like your result?