Would You Be Military, Law Enforcement, Or Fire Fighter?
Would You Be Military, Law Enforcement, Or Fire Fighter?
This quiz determines which job of the three types of heroes you are.
This quiz determines which job of the three types of heroes you are.
How well do you handle stress?
Describe yourself in one word...
You are walking down the street at night and someone looking for trouble confronts you... what do you do?
How good are you at combat?
Have you ever shot/used a gun?
Your friend is being picked on by bullies and you see this, what would you do
What does Semper Fi mean?
Which ever branch you are in, you the mightiest and fight for your country. You serve and fight for your country with honor and you are a true hero.
Law Enforcement
Law Enforcement
You serve and protect your country, you respond to any situation that is out of hand and solve it. You dedicate yourself to helping citizens and being the best you can, you are a true hero
Fire Fighter
Fire Fighter
You are one of the toughest person around, fighting fires and saving many lives in a crisis. You protect citizens from dangerous hazards that could start fires and you are a true hero.