Who are you in "The Secret Circle?"
Who are you in "The Secret Circle?"
Cassie Blake-Blackwell, Adam Conant, Diana Meade-Blackwell, Jake Armstrong, Faye Chamberlin, Melissa Glaser, Dawn Chamberlin, Charles Meade, John Blackwell
Cassie Blake-Blackwell, Adam Conant, Diana Meade-Blackwell, Jake Armstrong, Faye Chamberlin, Melissa Glaser, Dawn Chamberlin, Charles Meade, John Blackwell

Who do you want to be from "TSC?"
What power do you have?
What would you describe yourself as?
Pick your style described below
Cassie Blake
Cassie Blake
You got Cassie! She's beautiful and very drunk with power even if she didn't want it at first. Even though she has a lot of power she doesn't let it get to her head and it's a privilege to be, "The one who is strong enough to tip the balance between good and evil."
Diana Meade
Diana Meade
You got Diana! She has a lot of power herself, but unfortunately with her it will all go to waist because she refuses to use it. All in all she is a great member o the circle to be even though her controlling nature intimidates some people her friendliness makes up for it!
Faye Chamberlin
Faye Chamberlin
You got Faye! She can be selfish and power hungry but all in all she means well. Faye is known for being an unpredictable biotch!
Adam Conant
Adam Conant
You got Adam! He's sweet and extremely caring. He's also kind of a ladies man, he has both Cassie and Diana falling for him.
Jake Armstrong
Jake Armstrong
You got Jake! He's an ex-witch hunter and a member of the circle who has Queen Biotch wrapped around his finger even though she doesn't want to admit it. He just like Adam is also in love with Cassie and diesn't give up on her.
Melissa Glaser
Melissa Glaser
You got Melissa! She's very quiet, sweet, strong and caring. She has a hard time after her boyfriend Nick dies but she manages to keep herself together.