What is your Achilles Heel?

We all have one... What is your true weakness?

Creato da ALLTIMELOW (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
il 23 giu 2015

You work to:

Which of these images is most appealing to you?

Which of the following words appeals to you most?

Which of these board games would you rather play?

Do you carry around regret or grief?

Time to make your own motivational poster! Which of the following images are you most likely to use?

You see a person fall, but it's on the other side of a busy street. You:

Who are you closest to?

You come into some extra money! You're most likely to spend it on:

Describe yourself in one word:



Has anyone ever told you 'you're too nice'? That's because you just might be! Don't take it the wrong way, kindness is sorely lacking in the world and no act of kindness, however big or small, is ever wasted. But sometimes you have to stick up for yourself and not let others take you for granted! Just find that happy balance between your kind heart and a stern hand. Use your kindness to help and teach others and you will be just fine!

Your Loved Ones

Your Loved Ones

We see this in almost every great story ever told, don't we? For you, it rings true tenfold. Your family and loved ones are your everything and you can't bear the thought of anything bad happening to them. While this is an admirable trait, it can also hold you back from living your own life and becoming your own person - something everyone must discover for themselves. Try to strike a balance between taking care of yourself and your loved ones and you'll be set to go!



Stubborn!? YOU? Never! We're willing to bet you're fully aware of your hardheadedness, but hey, you are who you are! You're a very stern person who's not afraid to stand your ground and firmly plant your feet when it comes to personal beliefs. While this is all very beneficial for self-confidence, it can also be a major stress inducer and turn off. Confidence is key, just be sure to allow others in and to not think less of anyone. Teamwork makes the dream work!

The Past

The Past

Ah, the past. Full of what ifs, stressors and regrets. The past is a double edged sword, full of history to learn from, but sometimes unbearably painful to carry with us. The fantastic thing about the past is just that - it's the past. Letting go of regret, guilt, or grief is always a million times easier said than done, but it CAN be done and it will improve everything from your daily life to your longevity. Accept the past for what it was, let it go and move forward with life! Your future awaits!



Well, to be fair, who DOESN'T want more? Isn't that human nature? Insatiability is a very common psychological trait and it can be quite the annoyance! Even if life is splendid and we have everything we need, society teaches us to always ask for more and to keep reaching so we can be "good enough". Annoying, isn't it? The best thing you can do for yourself is take a step back, relax, and be grateful for what you have! Never give up on your goals and always strive to better yourself, but be sure to know when enough is enough.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021