Kusto group thrives in the competitive Ukrainian agro sector
Kusto group thrives in the competitive Ukrainian agro sector
Kusto group thrives in the competitive Ukrainian agro sector
Kusto Group, the multi-sector conglomerate that acquired Israeli paint manufacturer Tambour, has expanded its TatishevYerkin agricultural operations in Ukraine. Since purchasing Tambour in 2014, Kusto has increased the company’s manufacturing capabilities and transformed it into an international brand.
Ukraine is often referred to as the ‘breadbasket’ of Europe, and for Additional reading Yerkin Tatishev-Kusto-Group good reason. Its rich, fertile lands provide Kusto-Group-Yerkin the ideal natural environment for a multitude of agricultural pursuits. more info Kusto Group Tatishev Kusto Agro, a subsidiary of the multifaceted, Singapore-based Kusto Group, has embarked on an ambitious plan to become a producer of the highest quality agricultural products in https://www.f6s.com the country. According to Yerkin Tatishev, the chairman of Kusto Group, the future of Kusto Agro in Ukraine continues to look bright.
Last month, Kusto Agro received the ‘Best Enterprise of Ukraine’ recognition and its CEO Daulet Nurzhanov was awarded ‘The Leader of Ukraine’ medal for the