What HTTYD Dragon Would You Ride (more dragons)
What HTTYD Dragon Would You Ride (more dragons)
Ever wonder what dragon from How to Train Your Dragon you would ride? Find out here! This quiz includes not just the first 5 dragons, but some from the TV shows and even one from the second movie. 8 possible outcomes! Enjoy!
Ever wonder what dragon from How to Train Your Dragon you would ride? Find out here! This quiz includes not just the first 5 dragons, but some from the TV shows and even one from the second movie. 8 possible outcomes! Enjoy!

First off, which of these classes appeals the most to you (without looking them up)?
Which of these words appeal to you the most?
Which of these colors appeal to you the most?
Out of these, which career would you choose?
What would you look for in a dragon?
What size dragon would you prefer? (Small means small but still big enough to properly ride)
You come across an old lady being mugged by a man on the street! You:
What kind of fire would you prefer?
Which time of the day do you like the most?
Last but not least, what would you use your dragon for?
Night Fury
Night Fury
You would ride a Night Fury! Congrats, you got the best dragon in existence (literally)! Night Furies are loyal and brave, and are willing to die for their friends. They are #1 on the charts for speed and intellect. Based on your answers, I find you a perfect match for this dragon.
Deadly Nadder
Deadly Nadder
You would ride a Deadly Nadder! Congrats, you got the Sharp Class dragon! Nadders are vain and prideful, and focus more on their looks than probably anything else. They make good dragons for people who share their vanity. Based on your answers, I find you a perfect match for this dragon.
Monstrous Nighmare
Monstrous Nighmare
You would ride a Monstrous Nightmare! Congrats, you got the Stroker Class dragon! Nightmares are boastful and hot-headed dragons, and are quick to anger. They like to even bully their riders sometimes, too. Based on your answers, I find you a perfect match for this dragon.
Hideous Zippleback
Hideous Zippleback
You would ride a Hideous Zippleback! Congrats, you got the prankster dragon! Zipplebacks are tricky Fear Class dragons. The two heads fight constantly, kind of like bipolar disorder. But when they agree, they can be dangerous! Based on your answers, I find you a perfect match for this dragon.
You would ride a Gronkle! Congrats, you got the lazy dragon! Gronkles are lazy and basically look like big rocks, as they are Boulder Class. Gronkles are sweet and affectionate, and love to eat! Based on your answers, I find you a perfect match for this dragon.
You would ride a Thunderdrum! Congrats, you got the loud dragon! Thunderdrums are Tidal Class dragons, and like the water. They attack with powerful supersonic bursts of noise. They can be slow to trust, but awesome dragons when you gain it. Based on your answers, I find you a perfect match for this dragon.
You would ride a Stormcutter! Congrats, you got the wise dragon! Stormcutters are wise for a dragon, and very agile. They prefer planning to spontaneous action. Based on your answers, I find you a perfect match for this dragon.
Whispering Death
Whispering Death
You would ride a Whispering Death! Congrats, you got the murderous dragon! Whisperers are like time bombs. One wrong move and you're toast. They are extremely dangerous and like to attack/kill things just for fun. Based on your answers, I find you a perfect match for this dragon.