Which Inner Senshi Are You?

Find out which of the original five sailors is most like you!

Alyce L.
Created by Alyce L. (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 3, 2018

Pick an element

Which of these is your favorite subject?

Pick an animal

You're fighting against an enemy, what's your strategy?

What's your best trait?

What's your worst trait?

Which would you like to become the most?

Sailor Moon

Sailor Moon

You are Usagi! You tend to be lazy and clumsy with a sensitive personality. Aside from your flaws, you have a pure heart and always look after those you care about.

Sailor Mercury

Sailor Mercury

You are Ami! You are a very caring and intelligent person and tend to be the quiet one among your group of friends. Despite your intellectual talents, you're a rather modest person.

Sailor Mars

Sailor Mars

You are Rei! Hot headed and sassy, you don't let other people order you around. You're also very passionate and a proud, independent spirit.

Sailor Jupiter

Sailor Jupiter

You are Makoto! Despite being very tough and stern, you're kind and caring at heart. You have a feminine side but know that that doesn't change how strong you are.

Sailor Venus

Sailor Venus

You are Minako! Fun loving and a bit silly at times, you're the one to bring energy to your group of friends. You're a natural born leader and try your best to look after those close to you.

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