These 8 Magical Questions Will Tell You What Your Life Would Be Like As A Disney Character!
These 8 Magical Questions Will Tell You What Your Life Would Be Like As A Disney Character!
This simple quiz will tell you who your Disney Nemesis, Ex, True Love, and BFF would be! Find out your Disney destiny!
This simple quiz will tell you who your Disney Nemesis, Ex, True Love, and BFF would be! Find out your Disney destiny!
What kind of house do you start off your fairy tale in?
And what kind of quest are you on?
You can take one companion with you on your quest. Who are you taking?
You see a beautiful apple just sitting on a plate in the middle of the road. What do you do with it?
A dragon confronts you on your journey. What do you do?
Next, you meet a handsome stranger in the woods. What do you do?
Then handsome stranger asks you to marry him. What do you say?
You ultimately succeed in your quest and find exactly what you were looking for, but what does your happily ever after look like?
This Is What Your Disney Life Would Be Like:
This Is What Your Disney Life Would Be Like:
You're a romantic at heart, which draws you to the musical and compassionate Prince Eric! Unfortunately, your little love triangle puts your on Ariel's hit list. Because of your sense of adventure, you also tend to attract fellow adventurers, which is why you and Mulan make the perfect team for kicking ass, and why your ex was the ever-hunky John Smith.
Which Disney character do you think you're the most like? Is a certain Disney character totally your parent? Tell us about it in the comments below, and don't forget to share this quiz with a fellow Disney nerd!
This Is What Your Disney Life Would Be Like:
This Is What Your Disney Life Would Be Like:
You're a pretty funny person, and you tend to relate to Disney characters who aren't afraid to get a little goofy, like Anna or Joy. Because of your sense of humor, you're definitely attracted to Flynn Rider, and you were a little naive in your past relationships. You love having a great time laughing with Moana, but your relationship with Flynn has caused a few issues with everyone's favorite blondie, Rapunzel.
Which Disney character do you think you're the most like? Is a certain Disney character totally your parent? Tell us about it in the comments below, and don't forget to share this quiz with a fellow Disney nerd!
This Is What Your Disney Life Would Be Like:
This Is What Your Disney Life Would Be Like:
You tend to think outside the box, and your friends would call you eccentric. You're attracted to Aladdin's quick-thinking and cleverness, as well as his sense of humor and adventure. Unfortunately, that means you and Jasmine aren't on the best terms. You were drawn to Naveen because of your similar personalities, but you were too alike for it to work. Now you're super supportive of his relationship with your BFF Tiana.
Which Disney character do you think you're the most like? Is a certain Disney character totally your parent? Tell us about it in the comments below, and don't forget to share this quiz with a fellow Disney nerd!
This Is What Your Disney Life Would Be Like:
This Is What Your Disney Life Would Be Like:
You're intelligent and kind, which is why your true love is the adorkable and hard working Milo Thatch. You and Kida don't have the greatest relationship because of Milo, which has resulted in more than one epic showdown. You love Milo's brain and heart, which is why you were a little dissatisfied with your ex--the sweet but less academic Hercules. Now you're best friends with Esmerelda, and you two work together to improve the lives of others.
Which Disney character do you think you're the most like? Is a certain Disney character totally your parent? Tell us about it in the comments below, and don't forget to share this quiz with a fellow Disney nerd!