What type of candy are you?
What type of candy are you?

What's your favorite color?
What sport do you play?
What do you like to do in your free time?
How many hours do you spend on social media?
Do you have a phone? If so, what type?
If you could have any super power, what would it be?
You're stuck in a zombie apocalypse; you can only use one item to fight off the zombies, so you take...
What grade are you in?
How old are you?
Final question: If any object could be your best friend, what object would that be and why?
You are... Skittles!
You are... Skittles!
You're the type of person that likes to be active on social media and you would do anything to save your phone. You care about your followers and your family at the same time, so you are a kind-hearted, mature soul.
You are... Chocolate!
You are... Chocolate!
It doesn't matter what type or size you are; it matters what you do. You're very active a lot when it comes to sports and your super power truly stands out among the rest which makes you a unique person, even though you were already unique.
You are... Jolly Ranchers!
You are... Jolly Ranchers!
You are sweet inside and out, just like this candy. You're the type of person that is brave and determined person about their work, loves to have fun, and questions the personal questions. You're a role model to this world.
You are... Other Candies
You are... Other Candies
Out of all the choices today with this quiz, you are a mixture of all. Your answers clearly make you a peculiar person, which isn't bad if you think about it. You have traits that other people have. You can use these traits for good. Embrace the real one; don't be a shadow.
What type of candy are you?