What Kind Of Low Maintenance Are You, Actually?
What Kind Of Low Maintenance Are You, Actually?
If getting ready in the morning takes less than five minutes, you may already have an inkling...
If getting ready in the morning takes less than five minutes, you may already have an inkling...

What’s the inside of your makeup bag look like?
How do you take your coffee?
What kind of shoes will you wear on a date?
How many purses do you own?
Can you even?
You are Super Low Maintenance
You are Super Low Maintenance
Hair up in a bun and pulling on whatever’s not dirty from the laundry pile. A swipe of mascara and you’re good to go. Curling iron? Puh-lease. You don’t need to waste a bunch of time getting ready, you’re looking at five minutes or less and you’re out the door.
You are Low Maintenance
You are Low Maintenance
While you don’t spend a ton of time getting ready, you’ve organized your life to keep things timely — you wear a style uniform, you get haircuts that don’t require a lot of upkeep and you’ve got your beauty routine down to a science. You’ve got a lot of extra time on your hands for things like work, friends and total world domination.
You aren’t Low Maintenance at all
You aren’t Low Maintenance at all
Don’t even kid yourself, you aren’t anywhere close to being low maintenance. But hey, it takes a little bit of work to look as good as you do, right? Rome wasn’t built in a day, and you like to spend a little more time getting ready but as the compliments come pouring in, it all pays off in the end.