Which Kardashian Baby Are You?

K-spawn run the world

Amanda Ross
Created by Amanda Ross(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Pick an older K lady

Choose a designer to create your couture christening gown:

Pick a social media to rule:

Pick a city to live in:

Pick a Snapchat filter:

North West

North West

You're the queen bee, a crown jewel. You dominate every topic of conversation but can feel like people can't see the real you sometimes. You are more than a pretty face.

Penelope Disick

Penelope Disick

You are a beautiful, fun-loving being but sometimes you can allow yourself to be out-shined by friends and family. Embrace your worth, P. You are valuable.

Mason Disick

Mason Disick

Unbothered prince of giving zero fucks! You live your life according to you with no outside input on anything from the way you dress to the way you speak. Continue to kill it.

Reign Disick

Reign Disick

Speak up more! People can forget you exist. 2017 is the year to step into your own identity. You are star -- don't forget that.

Saint West

Saint West

You're the beautiful one in your friend group, always glowing and thriving and shining. Continue on your carefree journey, you glistening sunbeam.

Dream Kardashian

Dream Kardashian

You're an up-and-comer and people might try to exclude you because they see you as a threat. Use this to your advantage and claw your way to the top.

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