Are You Protecting Yourself Correctly From CORONAVIRUS?

You might THINK you're doing everything to protect yourself from COVID-19 / Coronavirus, but this quiz may tell you otherwise! See how well you're doing.

Amanda Simmons
Created by Amanda Simmons
On Mar 20, 2020

Are You Protecting Yourself Correctly From CORONAVIRUS?

1 / 10

How far should you stand away from a person who's coughing or sneezing?

2 / 10

How can the virus enter your body?

3 / 10

What's the most common way the virus is spread?

4 / 10

What symptoms should cause you to call the hospital?

5 / 10

What's the best thing you can do to avoid catching the Coronavirus?

6 / 10

When should you wash your hands?

7 / 10

Cold weather can kill the virus:

8 / 10

Taking regular hot baths can prevent the disease:

9 / 10

You can catch Cornonavirus through mosquito bites:

10 / 10

If you have been vaccinated against pneumonia, you will be less likely to contract Coronavirus:

Questions left
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