Are You Protecting Yourself Correctly From CORONAVIRUS?
Are You Protecting Yourself Correctly From CORONAVIRUS?
You might THINK you're doing everything to protect yourself from COVID-19 / Coronavirus, but this quiz may tell you otherwise! See how well you're doing.
You might THINK you're doing everything to protect yourself from COVID-19 / Coronavirus, but this quiz may tell you otherwise! See how well you're doing.
Are You Protecting Yourself Correctly From CORONAVIRUS?
How far should you stand away from a person who's coughing or sneezing?
How can the virus enter your body?
What's the most common way the virus is spread?
What symptoms should cause you to call the hospital?
What's the best thing you can do to avoid catching the Coronavirus?
When should you wash your hands?
Cold weather can kill the virus:
Taking regular hot baths can prevent the disease:
You can catch Cornonavirus through mosquito bites:
If you have been vaccinated against pneumonia, you will be less likely to contract Coronavirus: