Nancy Drew Trivia: Only True Fans Will Be Able To Get These Questions Right
Nancy Drew Trivia: Only True Fans Will Be Able To Get These Questions Right
Think you're a Nancy Drew super fan? Think again...see if you can answer these questions that only true Nancy Drew fans will be able to get right...
Think you're a Nancy Drew super fan? Think again...see if you can answer these questions that only true Nancy Drew fans will be able to get right...
Nancy Drew Trivia: Only True Fans Will Be Able To Get These Questions Right
Who is Nancy's father?
What year were the very first "Nancy Drew Mystery Stories" published?
In Nancy's first book, what did her father give her as a "birthday gift"?
What is the name of the last "Nancy Drew" hardcover book ever written?
What is the last name of Nancy's good friend Ned?
What is Nancy's friend, Bess's real name?
Nancy's hair color is which of the following?
What is the seventh Nancy Drew book?
What college does Nancy's boyfriend, Ned, attend?
In the very first Nancy Drew book, "The Secret of the Old Clock," what gift does Nancy obtain?