Which Fictional Alien Planet Are You From?
Which Fictional Alien Planet Are You From?
If you were a fake alien? Which planet would be your fake home?
If you were a fake alien? Which planet would be your fake home?
What do you eat for your alien breakfast?
Which real planet would you actually wanna visit?
What did you think of the movie "Interstellar"?
If an alien had to kill you, how would you wanna go?
What's your astrology element?
Which of these aliens would you wanna be?
What moon orbits around your planet?
If you were an alien, what would be your super-power?
You belong on...Planet Vinci
You belong on...Planet Vinci
Planet Vinci is named after none other than Leonardo Da Vinci. The people there are so smart, Da Vinci is actually the dumbest of the bunch.
You belong on...Naboo
You belong on...Naboo
Star Wars' Naboo's landscape is earth-like with swamps, rivers and rolling hills. It's a truly beautiful place. Amphibian like humanoids were first to live on Naboo and it looks like you're joining the clan!
You belong on...Cardassia Prime
You belong on...Cardassia Prime
Cardassia Prime exists in the fictional Star Trek universe. It's home to humanoid alien who are warp-capable. The rare mineral "jevonite" can be found on Cardassia. It's truly a special place and exactly where you belong.
You belong on...Gazorpazorp
You belong on...Gazorpazorp
An iconic planet in the Rick and Morty universe, Gazorpazorp is run by a government of females. Women rule this world! Gazorpians have 2 sets of hands on their head as well as on their shoulders. A popular phrase said by the Gazorpians is: "I'm here if you need to talk".