Your Taste In Halloween Candy Will Reveal Your Greatest Fear In Life
Your Taste In Halloween Candy Will Reveal Your Greatest Fear In Life
Do you prefer Snickers or Sour Patch Kids? Your choice in candy can say a lot about you! Take this spooky Halloween candy quiz and find out what you're really afraid of.
Do you prefer Snickers or Sour Patch Kids? Your choice in candy can say a lot about you! Take this spooky Halloween candy quiz and find out what you're really afraid of.
Pick a sour Halloween candy:
Pick a chocolatey Halloween candy:
Pick a non-sour gummy Halloween candy:
Pick a classic Halloween candy:
Pick a lame Halloween candy:
Pick a hard Halloween candy:
Pick a pop-culture focused Halloween candy:
Pick a healthy Halloween candy:
Your greatest fear in life is...Loneliness
Your greatest fear in life is...Loneliness
Nothing scares you more than being completely and utterly...alone. You welcome death, but going to a movie yourself is probably the worst thing that could ever happen to you.
Your greatest fear in life is...Ghosts
Your greatest fear in life is...Ghosts
You watched one of those real-life ghost hunting shows once and now you're terrified that there are ghosts in your house. You sleep facing the wall because you'll be damned if you open your eyes one night to see a ghost hanging over you.
Your greatest fear in life is...Dying
Your greatest fear in life is...Dying
Most people are afraid of this're not alone. You get paranoid that this random stomach bug is going to kill you. You know that death is around the corner and when it comes you won't be surprised cause you've thought about it for so long.
Your greatest fear in life is...Public Speaking
Your greatest fear in life is...Public Speaking
There are actually some people who fear public speaking more than death. It's scary to get in front of hundreds of people and speak from your heart. You'd honestly rather bury yourself alive!
Your Taste In Halloween Candy Will Reveal Your Greatest Fear In Life