Aquarius Returns Jun 25th! Do You Remember Season One?
Aquarius Returns Jun 25th! Do You Remember Season One?
What's going to happen in the new season is somewhat of a mystery. How much of the first season do you remember? Take this quiz for a little refresher before it's return on June 25th!
What's going to happen in the new season is somewhat of a mystery. How much of the first season do you remember? Take this quiz for a little refresher before it's return on June 25th!

David Duchovny plays Sam Hodiak, a detective for the _____ Police Department.
Sam is looking for _____ ____, who snuck out with her boyfriend Rick and then didn't come home.
In the second episode they investigate the murder of Joyce Nankin, who was found in her ...
When we see Emma with Manson in episode three, what has he started calling her?
According to Katie, Manson wants to be more famous than who?
What is the name of the burlesque club owned by Lucille Gladner?
Brian further gains Manson's trust when he stops Sam from doing what?
Where do Sadie and Emma go to find "Mother" Mary?
Which of these characters is an undercover Detective?
When Grace and Sam pick Emma up to take her home, they are worried she is intoxicated by what?
Detective Hodiak struggles with his _____ problem.
When Sam recognizes him in a photograph, he decides to do what to his father?
Ken is nominated as campaign finance chair for who?
Charlie's followers believe that he is ...
In the season finale, rather than receiving discipline for his involvement in a shooting Sam is given what?