Do You Remember The Original Magnificent Seven?
Do You Remember The Original Magnificent Seven?
So you've seen the new trailer, and you're excited for the remake of "The Magnificent Seven". Originally this was a "western" adaptation of "Seven Samurai". How well do you remember this 1960 classic?
So you've seen the new trailer, and you're excited for the remake of "The Magnificent Seven". Originally this was a "western" adaptation of "Seven Samurai". How well do you remember this 1960 classic?

The village being raided by bandits is located where?
Which gunfighter do the villagers find first?
At first that gunfighter agrees only to help them ...
What is the name of Charles Bronson's character?
Can you name the leader of the bandits that continue to raid the town?
Which gunfighter presses for information on any treasure they may have heard of?
The bandits must raid the village because they need ...
Which gunfighter talks about "nerves on the eve of battle" with one of the villagers?
The village is taken over when the gunfighters leave to ...
When some of the men want to leave, Chris threatens to kill anyone ...
The bandits take over but allow the gunfighters to leave with their lives, because they fear ...
Which gunfighter believes going back will lead to their deaths, and so rides off alone?
When the bandits are defeated, which gunfighter decides to stay in the village?
Which of the following gunfighters did NOT die?
At the end the village elder tells them that only _____ really won.