How Familiar Are You With The Batman Comics?
How Familiar Are You With The Batman Comics?
Batman comic books have been around for decades. This trivia will test your knowledge of Batman comic books from the very beginning, all the way to the New 52 era!
Batman comic books have been around for decades. This trivia will test your knowledge of Batman comic books from the very beginning, all the way to the New 52 era!

Batman first appeared in "Detective Comics" issue #27 in 1939. What year was "Batman" issue #1 published?
This villain is known as "Killer Croc", but what is his real name?
Two villains first appeared in "Batman" #1. One was The Joker and the other was ...
In issue #16 they introduced the Wayne family butler, Alfred. What is Alfred's last name?
In which issue of Batman did "Robin the Boy Wonder" first appear?
In the 1960's they introduced this character. What is his name?
Name this Batman villain!
Batman's origin story was retold in issues #404-407 in the 1980's, and was later called "Batman: Year One". Who wrote this story?
Which of these villains was able to deduce that Batman's secret identity is Bruce Wayne?
In the 1990's a new character took up the mantle of Batman in Bruce Wayne's absence. His name was ...
Who was the second Robin?
Which bad guy broke Batman's back during a fight?
In "The New 52" Bruce Wayne dies and _____ takes up the mantle of Batman.
The "Talons" are assassins for what organization?
Batman was created by Bob Kane and _____?