Which Television Detective Are You?
Which Television Detective Are You?
From the supernatural Grimm to more serious shows like The Wire- Which TV detective would you be?
From the supernatural Grimm to more serious shows like The Wire- Which TV detective would you be?
Which of these shows do you watch, or like the most?
What is your greatest weapon?
If you had to choose between your job and your social life, which would you pick?
Pick one of the following items:
Do you work with individuals who are NOT police?
Where would you rather spend the day when you aren't working?
Do you have hobbies outside of work?
Do you have any personal enemies because of what you do, or who you are?
What would your detective self be most concerned with?
Which of these comic book characters are you most familiar with?
Joan Watson
Joan Watson
You are Joan Watson from Elementary! As the partner of the infamous Sherlock Holmes, Joan must be constantly learning and growing as a detective. She is much better at dealing with people than her partner, and often has to keep him from angering witnesses or police. She has a sharp mind, and a keen eye. She is one of the few people who can keep up with Sherlock and sometimes even surprises him with her knowledge!
Lester Freamon
Lester Freamon
You are Lester Freamon from The Wire! Detective Lester Freamon is a twenty year veteran of the force who established a reputation early on as "natural police" for his tenacity and intelligence. Deskbound in an office for more than a decade, Freamon began making dollhouse furniture, a hobby which provides him great supplemental income, but also contributes to his eccentric reputation among fellow police. He is true police.
Kate Beckett
Kate Beckett
You are Kate Beckett from Castle! The once "Detective" is now an NYPD Captain in charge of the 12th Precinct, after being promoted from homicide, and a former Federal government agent. She is driven and a force to be reckoned with. She became a cop because of the murder of her mother when Kate was young. She hopes to make the streets safer, so that no one else will have to go through what she did.
James Gordon
James Gordon
You would be James Gordon from Gotham! Detective Jim Gordon is a homicide detective in the Gotham City PD. He and his partner Harvey Bullock were the Detectives assigned to the Wayne murder case. After Dick Lovecraft was murdered with his gun, Jim was re-assigned to Arkham Asylum by the Mayor. He was later reinstated as a Detective by Commissioner Loeb after capturing and defeating Jack Buchinsky.
Olivia Benson
Olivia Benson
You are Olivia Benson from Law & Order SVU! Lieutenant "Liv" Benson heads up the Manhattan Special Victims Unit. Prior to taking over SVU, Benson worked as a SVU detective and was partnered with Elliot Stabler for over twelve years. After Elliot's resignation, Benson partnered primarily with Nick Amaro before she became a sergeant and took over the SVU unit from Captain Donald Cragen.
Nick Burkhardt
Nick Burkhardt
You are Nick Burkhardt from Grimm! Nicholas Burkhardt is a Grimm and detective for the Portland PD. Growing up, he was not exposed to any information regarding his heritage or the Wesen that surrounded him. He learned about these largely from his own experiences since 2011, which made him unique among Grimms and generally promoting the development of more socially acceptable interaction with all individuals.