What Kind Of Wave Are You?

There are stormy waves, tropical waves, glassy waves, even peaceful waves! What kind of wave are you most like?

Amelia Slater
Created by Amelia Slater(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 18, 2015

What is your favorite color?

Your afternoon is free. What do you do in your spare time?

What is your favorite food?

A kid on the street falls down and cuts his arm. What do you say to him?

Are you an animal person?

OK, last one. Which image appeals to you most?

Tropical Wave!

Tropical Wave!

You are a tropical wave! You are beautiful and warm, often gentle, but you can definitely be powerful if you feel like it!

Stormy Wave!

Stormy Wave!

You are big and powerful, with a quick temper. You have a tendency to lash out when you feel like it, leaving destruction in your path. Nobody better mess with you!



You are a little more pliable, and less brash then your larger cousins. You are kind and compassionate to ocean-goers, and nobody fears you.

Glassy Wave!

Glassy Wave!

The most admired of all waves for your beauty, you bring ooo's and aaa's to the world.

Sunset Wave!

Sunset Wave!

You are a sunset wave! You go with the flow, and you are jazzy and colorful in personality. You adore nature and animals, and most people would describe you as a hippie.

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