What Member of The Fellowship of The Ring Are You?
What Member of The Fellowship of The Ring Are You?
We all love the Fellowship of the Ring. Which member are you? Find out today!
We all love the Fellowship of the Ring. Which member are you? Find out today!

What do people find most attractive about you?
If you lived in Middle Earth, what race would you like to belong in?
What do your critics call you?
What is your dream job?
What color and style is your hair?
Introvert vs. Extrovert?
Pick the Narnia character that you best identify with.
Would you fight in a battle?
If you were an animal, which would you be?
What annoys you most?
You are the King! Although you do not act high and mighty, you are one of the coolest, most noble members of the Fellowship. You always hold on to hope and will do whatever it takes to persuade others to think the same.
Ah, Legolas. You are the most athletic member of the Fellowship. You may not speak much, but you have a heart of gold and a real love for your friends.
Gimli! The comic relief of the team. You like to put on a hard exterior, but down deep, you are extremely brave and caring.
Congrats! You are Boromir. While you can be stubborn at times, your heart is ultimately noble, for you always try to come back from your mistakes.
Yay! You are one of the most powerful, yet loving beings of Middle Earth. You are a natural born leader yet remain extremely humble.
You are Frodo! You may be a simple hobbit, but there is more to you than meets the eye.
Samwise Gamgee
Samwise Gamgee
You are the friend, the rock to Frodo Baggins. Without you, he would have not gotten very far.
You are the hilarious Pippin! You enjoy food, a good laugh, and having a great time.