Which Harrison Wells are you?
Which Harrison Wells are you?
Are you creepy Dr. Wells/Eobard Thawne, sarcastic Harry, or hilarious HR. Find out today!
Are you creepy Dr. Wells/Eobard Thawne, sarcastic Harry, or hilarious HR. Find out today!

Let's start with this one. How do you brush your teeth?
Who is your spirit animal?
Pick a movie.
What activity are you most likely doing right now?
What matters most to you?
You get mad at your friend's friend and punch them. Your friend finds out. How do you react?
Who would you most likely befriend first on Team Flash?
Pick a Lord of the Rings character.
Pick a famous villain.
Choose a Jack Sparrow.
Dr. Wells/Eobard Thawne
Dr. Wells/Eobard Thawne
Congrats! You are the mastermind behind every plot--after all you are from the future. You actually care for Team Flash but have to fulfill your life goal of getting back to the future. You are cool, calculated, and extremely goal driven.
Yay! You are Harry Wells of Earth Two. You will do anything to protect your family, who you care very deeply for. You have a sarcastic, dry sense of humor that never fails.
HR Wells
HR Wells
Well, then. You are HR Wells of Earth 19. Full of personality and charisma, your presence lights up any room. You may not add a lot of scientific knowledge to the team, but you add whimsical charms wherever you go.