Which Lumberjane are you?
Which Lumberjane are you?
Are you Jo, Ripley, April, Molly, or Mal?
Are you Jo, Ripley, April, Molly, or Mal?

How would you describe your sense of style?
What are you in your friend group?
What is your biggest fear?
What is your ideal bedroom like?
Would you dye your hair?
What is your most admirable trait?
Which color scheme fits your personality the best?
If you could only have one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What shoes do you find yourself wearing often?
Pick your favorite sport:
What do you do with your hair most of the time?
Are you more of a tomboy or a girly girl?
You've set your sights on becoming...
What would you play in a band?
You usually take the logical approach to things, preferring to analyze situations before jumping straight into them. Your friends are the most important thing to you, and you would give up anything to keep the ones you love safe. Deep down, you struggle with acceptance, and care deeply what others think about you even though you pretend not to.
You're spunky and energetic, and no matter how old you get you will always be a child at heart. You've always been kind of impulsive, rarely stopping to think before jumping into a situation, but sometimes your crazy ideas can save the day. Deep down, you're truly sensitive and fear abandonment.
You're very creative and have a variety of interests, all of which you are passionate about. People usually end up underestimating you, as you may come across as passive, but you're strong at heart. You're very protective and get angered easily, sometimes causing you to hurt the ones you love. Still, you have a knack for seeing the best in others and will always own up to your mistakes.
You're a very natural, down-to-earth person. Deep down, you crave adventure, and are always the first of your friends to take a dare. You're very goal-oriented, and sometimes that clashes with the interests of your peers. Your first reaction in any argument is to remain neutral. However, you will always jump to defend the ones you love.
You're commonly known as a free spirit, taking pride yourself and refusing to change for anyone else. You care deeply for those close to your heart and approach any situation with caution. You hate it when people walk all over you, but will bear it if needed. Some people may disagree with your lifestyles or the way you express yourself, but you don't usually care. In fact, you're very open to other people's customs and get along with others easily because of this.