Which Little House On The Prairie Teacher Are You?
Which Little House On The Prairie Teacher Are You?
Little House on the Prairie fans surely remember the moment when Mary and Laura walked through the school up loving Miss Beadle. And that when they both became teachers.
There were many teachers in LHOTP - from strict Eliza Jane Wilder to Alice Garvey. Which one are you?
Little House on the Prairie fans surely remember the moment when Mary and Laura walked through the school up loving Miss Beadle. And that when they both became teachers.
There were many teachers in LHOTP - from strict Eliza Jane Wilder to Alice Garvey. Which one are you?

Choose a piece of art.
Other than a teacher, what would be your dream job?
Which quality do you value most?
If you started a new language, which one would it be?
Which quality do you mostly hate?
Choose a movie.
Choose a LHOTP cast member.
How would you handle the hard/unmotivated students?
Which is your favorite thing in modern schools, compared to 1800's ones?
Eva Beadle
Eva Beadle
You're Miss Beadle. You're motherly, helping and friendly. You really enjoy your work, you love to see the progress of your students and you also love to encourage them as much as you're able to. You also have contacts and good friendships with the parents, so you can make cooperation between school and home. Your students surely love you.
Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura Ingalls Wilder
You're Laura Ingalls Wilder. You are purposeful and outspoken - if you don't like the work of the class you're not afraid of saying it. But on the other hand, you won't let your students down: you're always asking for the reasons of bad grades, helping them to work harder and achieving the goal.
Mary Ingalls Kendall
Mary Ingalls Kendall
You're Mary. You demand a lot from your students, but you're not mean or too strict with them. You were a model students, you've learned to not give up, so you encourage the same. You tend to motivate even the hardest students.
Eliza Jane Wilder
Eliza Jane Wilder
You're Eliza Jane. You're maybe not the most popular teacher because you won't let your students to do anything stupid - and that's what some of them would like to do. You except the good manners.
But that doesn't make you a bad teacher. You just know your job. Those, who are in school to learn, like you because you're also good in your job.
Etta Plum
Etta Plum
You're Etta Plum. You are friendly and understanding, energetic and positive. You create some new ideas to school, your students like you and won't get bored.
Alice Garvey
Alice Garvey
You're Alice Garvey. "Regular" would be a good adjective of your teaching. You value the basics, so you attend to them and make sure your students know them well. You except the good grades and hard work, and you don't favor or hate anyone, but just encourage the ones that have worked hard enough.
Harriet Oleson
Harriet Oleson
You're Harriet Oleson. She wasn't a teacher for long, but for the students (and the viewers) she was very memorable.
You love culture, civilization and art. If they use expensive school uniforms in high-grade French schools, you except the same from your students.
You might be too excited about civilize your students; you happen to forget the importance of the regular things such as reading and writing while being too into of preoccupied with French language and art books.