All You Need to Know About Aura Healing
All You Need to Know About Aura Healing

Many physical problems have their root cause on an energy level of individuals. This is the reason why people turn to astrologers for aura healing to subside physical problems associated with energy, emotional, psychic, or spiritual issues. Here is what you should know about aura healing.
What is Aura?
Aura is an energy field. All physical matter has an aura. For human beings, this field is the energy field, or subtle body. It is called subtle body, because ordinarily we cannot perceive this field with our 5 senses. Aura healing is a way of spiritual healing, energy healing, or psychic healing. Aura field healing are an excellent way to release blocks and unwanted energies, and get your own energy flowing, so you can heal. It primarily aims at body’s spiritual energy system which includes aura, energy channels, and chakras.
The seven layers of Aura
According to a former NASA physicist, Barbara Brennan who studied the energy around the earth, applied the same theory to the human body as well. Barbara Brennan identified seven layers of the human energy field in which the first three layers are the most dense and easiest to perceive, they pertain to the physical plane. The higher layers are vibrating at higher frequencies and are more difficult to perceive. These seven layers includes:
1. Etheric body
It is the first layer and most dense of all. It is where the physical body is formed.
2. Emotional body
It is the second layer where healing of our emotions occurs and we develop self love.
3. Mental body
Quite self explanatory, this third layer comprises of the mental aspect, thoughts and beliefs. Healing of this aura layer is creating positive thought.
4. Astral body
Astral body is the fourth layer that contains the records of all our past - childhood experience, conception, pre-conception, as well as our past life experiences.
5. Etheric body
It is the fifth layer in which the spiritual plane and encompasses our will, our purpose in life, in this physical form, becoming our own authority and our sense of truth.
6. Celestial body
It is also on the spiritual place and this is the layer of divine love and unconditional love for all of creation.
7. Ketheric body
Ketheric is the last of the seven layers, vibrating at the highest frequency, also on the spiritual plane. This is the layer of divine wisdom, divine perfection and oneness with the universe.
There is so much one should know about aura healing, these are some of the basics of it.
Author’s Bio: The author is a blogger and the article is about aura healing.