What Does the Color of Your Pool Say About You?

The color of a swimming pool is a deep and personal choice. Does the color of your custom pool say the right things about you?

Andrea Cicirello
Created by Andrea Cicirello(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 17, 2017

What color are you wearing right now?

What is your favorite food?

Where do you live?

You prefer to work:

What did you do last weekend?

Deep Blue

Deep Blue

Relaxed and accepting.
You are warm-hearted and easy to be around. The swimming pool is the perfect spot to relax and forget about your worries.



Flexible and composed.
You are the first person to embrace a new change and make it work. You don’t let other people get to you and like to mind your business. Knowing that you have the swimming pool to go back to is enough to work with what you have throughout the day.

Sea Green

Sea Green

Diligent and self-controlled.
You crave order in your life. You like to stick to a routine, so no matter how busy your life gets, you always find a spot in the schedule to swim in the pool.

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