Could You Actually Be A Writer?
Could You Actually Be A Writer?
What kind of literature is lingering in your mind?
What kind of literature is lingering in your mind?
Which word would you choose to describe this image?
Which word would you choose to describe this picture?
Yes! You will be an amazing Poet.
Yes! You will be an amazing Poet.
You could definitely be a writer, and a poet at that. You have a gift for words and express yourself beautifully. You see the world in a very abstract way, noticing the beauty and the darkness all around you more than the average person. You have the gift of turning experiences and observations into deep, artistic expression. Pick up your pen and begin, Shakespeare!
Yes! You will be an amazing Journalist.
Yes! You will be an amazing Journalist.
You could definitely be a writer, and a journalist at that! You have a keen sense of perception and you are always in search of the truth. Since you were a child you were always pondering and exploring for answers. You observe the world in a very literal way and have a gift for expressing your thoughts and experiences on paper. Your wanderlust and hunger for knowledge would make you the perfect journalist.
Yes! You will be an amazing Romance Novelist.
Yes! You will be an amazing Romance Novelist.
You could definitely be a writer, and a romance novelist at that! You have a passionate, romantic and lustful soul. You emit a sensual energy that captivates everyone around you, and you love exploring the depths of your imagination when it comes to love. You are open-minded and expressive and could write pages upon pages of beautiful, romantic prose. Use that fire inside of you to express yourself!
No, but you could be a Scientist.
No, but you could be a Scientist.
You probably shouldn't be a writer! Where writers see the world in gray, you view it in black and white. You prefer logic, answers and clear cut evidence rather than abstract ideas and art. You don't take pleasure in expressing yourself in writing, whether it be prose, poetry or any other form of creative outlet. Your brain is a machine that thrives on solving problems and finding solutions. While you appreciate literature and creative writing, your brilliance flourishes in another field entirely!
Yes! You will be an amazing Fiction Novelist.
Yes! You will be an amazing Fiction Novelist.
You could definitely be a writer, and a science fiction novelist at that! You are mesmerized and perplexed by the unknown. You spend a lot of time contemplating the meaning of life and expressing your fascination with philosophy and the obscure. You have a vivid imagination and you often find yourself thinking of alternate realities and version of the truth to make up for the confusion you have about why things are the way they are. You could write novels that tell stories of different worlds and with a mind as surreal and abstract as yours, the possibilities would be endless.