Do You Actually Know The 20 Things EVERY Child Knows?

It may seem elementary, but this is common knowledge!

Andrea Masters
Created by Andrea Masters
On Nov 5, 2015

What are these sisters' names?

What are baby goats called?

Approximately what percentage of our body weight is water?

Do male or female mosquitoes bite people?

What does the word "clandestine" mean?

What is the name of the new villain in Iron Man 3?

Wind, water, and ice are all natural forces that cause what?

When heat is transferred through a solid object it is:

Which is the only animated Pixar movie to include a live action piece?

Which of these is taller?

What does the name 'dinosaur' mean?

In the book, "Charlotte's Web" what was the first thing that Charlotte said to Wilbur?

How many sides does a hexagon have?

Which state of the USA is the Grand Canyon located in?

What is the prince's name in Disney's "The Princess and the Frog"?

In "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", who found Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the woods?

What is the name of SpongeBob SquarePants' pet snail?

How many stomachs do cows have?

There is no Power Ranger in this color:

How many planets are there in our solar system?

You're inner child is shining!

You're inner child is shining!

You definitely know everything a child should know! You have retained all of the elementary knowledge about the world that you learned as a kid and you are always very current and up-to-date with the latest trends! You have a youthful spirit and a hunger for knowledge and havn't forgotten how fun and rewarding it is to learn!

Your elementary knowledge is lacking!

Your elementary knowledge is lacking!

You actually DON'T know all of the things every child should know! You seem to have forgotten some basic knowledge and trivia facts that you probably learned when you were a kid! Don't worry though, it's mostly because you are sophisticated and more concerned with adult things rather than trying to keep up with the kids. There's still a youthful spirit inside of you somewhere!

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On Nov 18, 2021