What's Your Archetype?

Archetypes are a certain type of character or thing, that are present in all books movies and shows no matter what genre or story. Find out which character you are!

Andrew Flink
Created by Andrew Flink(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 27, 2016

Whats your favorite season?

What color is this dress?

Big house or small house?

Favorite Biome

Where would you rather be?

Which word is the most important to you?

Favorite meal of the day?

Which color appeals to you most?

You are the last human on the earth, what do you do first?

what's the most important thing?

Evil Overlord

Evil Overlord

They usually lurk in an intimidating fortress in a near-uninhabitable landscape, plotting to take over, with a bunch of beastlike warriors who aren’t to smart so they don’t overthrow him and they answer at his beck and call. They resort to terror, mind control, or selective breeding to corrupt and control their enemies.

The Archmage

The Archmage

The apex of magical learning and/or power. This comes to the point of being practically a demigod in the world they are portrayed in, able to create miracles as if a minor but annoying chore. They may discover a world shaking truth or even brawl with the devil.

Dumb Muscle

Dumb Muscle

Rebellious Spirit

Rebellious Spirit

Is an individual who has beef with society. A large one, large enough to make that person want to break all of the rules, just because. Normally don’t care what people think about them also sometimes they even lack normal friends and usually lack good posture. They are always chaotic.

Threshold Guardians

Threshold Guardians

A figure or event that tests the resolve of a hero as he pursues his destiny and/or his goal. Puts the hero in a position where he must make a decision that reflects a sincere commitment to the task at hand, by providing a threat or bar to progress that the hero must specifically choose to overcome.

The Grotesque

The Grotesque

A character that induces both fear and pity in viewers because his deformities belie a perfectly normal- if not noble- personality. He is very rarely presented as the villain and frequently overlaps with the reluctant monster and tragic hero. The defining trait is that his hideous appearance belies a gentle personality that is doomed to mistreatment because of society’s shallowness.

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021