Click Fraud Detection: What is This Anyway?

Andrew Hall
Created by Andrew Hall (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jan 11, 2018
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To find success in the online business world, it’s essential to understand what the threats are, what engagement means to your business, and, of course, how to analyze the information in the most productive way. You could, of course, learn all the steps involved in online business, including the critical step called advertising. This would require a lot of time and effort on your part, which you may not have if you’re as deeply involved in your daily operation as most business owners are.

There is another way to put all the tools in place to deal with the threats mentioned above and the essential customer-engagement activity that drives your business. Put experienced professionals to work for you. This remarkable set of tools is designed specifically for a company that is and must be, concerned about understanding the impact of traffic on a website.

With this software in place, you have the tools to manage traffic quality, giving you insights into the performance of click-traffic. Don’t confuse this with Google Analytics, however. When you visit TEA software, you also get a threat score for all visitors and an engagement score focusing only on real visitors. This is a fundamental distinction because the threat score aims at the target of click fraud monitoring software, so it doesn’t bankrupt your online efforts.
Invalid Traffic

What would “invalid traffic” be in this context, and what can it do to harm your online business? There’s this problem with pay-per-click (PPC) advertising call click fraud detection that must be prevented if possible and dealt with if necessary. With the right software, you can identify traffic that is not valid for your business purposes, and trace it to the source. This information can be used to make decisions quickly and correctly, so you get the maximum return on your advertising investment.

People and the businesses they work in are driven by data. Behavior is determined by the intake of data, and by the way, that information is processed. It’s more than essential to be able to analyze this data and use it correctly to understand where your business has been, where it is, and most importantly, where it is going. As the developers so accurately state, “If you can predict the future, you can then change the present.”

With this firmly in mind, these developers have built software, and continue to develop software, which allows you to see and understand the future behavior of your online visitors – in real time. You can have the business “muscle” you need to make your advertising successful. How? By “turning your analytics into human metadata” you can read and understand. It’s fraud protection software and so much more. You can measure irrationality of human behavior, which gives you the ability to predict if a visitor to your website will convert into a customer.

Conversion Rates

This number (percentage) is one of the most critical factors you need to understand when conducting the business of any kind, online or in the “brick-and-mortar” world. A conversion rate is a percentage of the serious visitors to your website. To get this figure, you have to know the total number of people who visited and the number of people who made a serious inquiry or purchased your product or service. You’re converting potential customers (visitors) into firm leads and into paying customers. Many “experts” and agency representatives in the marketing and advertising world either ignore this crucial number of focus on the wrong part of the picture.

It’s important to understand more than the relationship between what you spend on advertising and the conversions. You must be able to dictate what traffic you sell to. This narrowly targeted market concept is different from allowing publishers to determine what truck you will buy. You might say it’s about gaining control of your conversion process while avoiding click fraud detection in the process. Online-business traffic is purchased and measured by the hour – not by day, week, or month.

Fraud Under the Microscope

Because you understand and use pay-per-click (PPC), you should also understand how click fraud monitoring software fits into the picture. As you use PPC, you place an ad and pay each time someone clicks on that ad. If this process works the way it should, your advertising budget produces severe visitors to your site who may be converted to a paying customer. Click fraud monitoring software can be a critical obstacle to the smooth operation of this process.

This type of fraud is genuinely exploitation because your advertising program is being attacked, so someone else benefits from your money and your efforts. Mainly, you’re supplying the resources that a competitor or an advertising agency/publisher can help from. The invalid click might come from another person, a company hiring low-wage workers to click on ads, or even a bot/computer program. In each case, something or someone repeatedly clicks on an ad, creating fraudulent charges.

You are impacted because your PPC budget is used up by clicks that have no potential to convert to a serious inquiry or purchase. Also, analysis of your online data gives you information that cannot be used in any accurate manner, to help you understand how your operation is going. You won’t know where it’s been, where it is, or where it’s heading.

Software to the Rescue

The obvious question, based on this brief look at the software, PPC, and the conversion idea, would be: What can the software do to help? While it would take a book to describe all of the benefits in detail, you might want to look at some of the essential highlights. You can get a good idea of the possibilities when you look at this short list of specific benefits. You can:

  •         Eliminate click fraud detection
  •         Tag visitor traffic
  •         Measure engagement
  •         Predict sales conversion
  •         Optimize ad campaigns

Look at each of these in a bit more detail, but keep in mind this is probably not all the benefits you receive when you have the assistance of this software. Consider the first item on the list, eliminating click fraud detection. If you could get this one result and know your PPC advertising budget would have conversion potential 100% of the time, it would be a wise investment.

With this software in place, you have the tools to manage traffic quality, giving you insights into the performance of click-traffic. Don’t confuse this with Google Analytics, however. This is a significant distinction because the threat score aims at the target of preventing click fraud detection, so it doesn’t bankrupt your online efforts.

Engagement Fraud

What about some of the other benefits on the list, such as accurately measuring engagement? Most people who advertise online don’t know about engagement fraud, much less understand it. We can help eliminate this problem, even when committed by Google itself. The software monitors visitor behavior in real time and “automatically adjusts your keyword bid cost” along with adjusting position, geolocation, hourly and daily schedules. You also benefit when the software pauses keywords that are not performing.

You’ll also find you get better results overall with this remarkable software, even better results than you’d get from working with your AdWords expert. Rather than spending so much time preparing weekly reports on your progress, this software and the professionals behind it focus on actually making improvements in your account. Many of these experts don’t understand engagement fraud. They don’t use it, relying only on Google Conversions tracking to enhance your ad campaign.

The “better way” does not rely on Google Conversions or Google Analytics. This software goes far beyond click fraud monitoring software to “detect your visitors every touch, click, and mouse movement.” With detailed and accurate behavioral patterns in hand, your bids are adjusted to improve traffic-buying, by matching the behavioral trends indicated by the analysis.

In Summary

You don’t have to empty your bank account to have all these benefits and more because developers provide options for bid management only and opportunities for significant management and new campaigns as well. This second option includes keyword research and further campaign research and development. But, there’s more. You can also work with your software professionals to customize your plan, adding such elements as Google Shopping coverage and Google Display coverage.

As you read at the beginning of this brief overview of software that battles click fraud monitoring software for you, it’s necessary to understand the factors threatening your business. If you can eliminate fraud, understand how potential customers engage with your site, and accurately analyze the data you gather, you’re going to be far ahead of most competitors.

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