Which Hamilton character represents you?
Which Hamilton character represents you?
Find out in 8 questions which Hamilton Character you really are?
Find out in 8 questions which Hamilton Character you really are?

What is your favorite color?
What is your favorite song from Hamilton
If someone punched you, you would...
Who's your favorite Youtuber?
Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana
Your Favorite singer?
Best New Broadway Musical?
Money or Love?
Eliza Schuyler
Eliza Schuyler
You got Eliza! You are kind and are always putting your needs before everyone else's. You are a fool for love though.
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton
Hamilton! You are strong but can pressured into doing things you do not want to. But, everyone looks up to you.
George Washington
George Washington
Washington! You are very smart and meticulous and are always making sure everything is in place.
Angelica Schuyler
Angelica Schuyler
Angelica! You hardly ever get what you want but you give up so many things even when you see them first. Your love is overly magical and people look up to you. You are Miss popular.
Aaron Burr
Aaron Burr
Aaron Burr! You can be angry at times but when faced with problems your soft side and smart side shines for all to see.
Lafayette! You are a comedian! You get confused at times but in reality you are really smart and strong minded.