Which 80s Funny Woman Are You?
Which 80s Funny Woman Are You?
Because normal is nothing more than a cycle on a washing machine.
Because normal is nothing more than a cycle on a washing machine.
What word do you associate with the word above?
What word do you associate with the word above?
What word do you associate with the word above?
Peggy Bundy
Peggy Bundy
No surprise, you're just like Peg from "Married with Children"! Well, someone's gotta wear the (tight) pants in this family, and that's you. When you're not shopping up a storm or hitting up your husband for cash, you're flipping through the tube to get the recap on all your favorite soap operas. You've got time, because it's not like you actually spend time cooking or cleaning... If it weren't for your spouse and kids, you'd have even more time to relax. So, kick back and enjoy life one sale at a time
Chrissy Snow
Chrissy Snow
You are Chrissy Snow from "Three's Company"! You're a happy-go-lucky free-spirit, sensitive to the world around you. You tend to be quite emotional and are both quick to laugh and quick to cry. You can come across as somewhat ditsy at times, but that's only because you often have your head in the clouds.
Angela Bower
Angela Bower
You are the hilariously witty and smart Angela Bower from "Who's the Boss?". You are blunt, raunchy and tell it how it is! You are extremely bright and your comedic timing is on par. You are strong and independent and you prove that women can be just as strong, dirty-minded and hilarious as men.
Roseanne Conner
Roseanne Conner
You are the beloved Roseanne Conner from Roseanne! You are full of energy, charisma and have an outrageous (and sometimes caustic) sense of humor! You don't hold anything in, you express every reaction you have to things in the most honest and comedic way possible.
Rose Nylund
Rose Nylund
You are the lovable Rose Nylund from "The Golden Girls". You have a naive, playful spirit that makes you very pleasant to be around. More often than not, you are witty without even intending to make anyone laugh. You are sometimes over-excited which can be adorable and silly at the same time. You are very calm and find humor in cute and innocent things.
Carla Tortelli
Carla Tortelli
You're Carla Tortelli from "Cheers"! You are highly intelligent, flirty and naturally witty. You have a cynical, sardonic sense of humor that often goes unappreciated by your less intelligent colleagues. The reason you are so funny is because you aren't afraid to be your complete self and embrace your flaws, without caring what anyone else thinks.