What Magical Race are You?
What Magical Race are You?
Find out what race you are!
Find out what race you are!

What fantasy animal do you like?
When are you most active?
What eye colour do you have?
What word most describes you?
What's your favorite thing to do?
Do you believe in the Law of Attraction?
Hippogriffs are loyal and only bow to those who bow to them and who they like. Do not insult them or they become very violent.
Griffens are airborne creatures who love to fly. They can be violent if they want to other whys they wont hurt a fly.
Fairies have magic and are sorted into what element they like. There are two types of fairies: pixies and good fairies. pixies are trouble makers and are not as beautiful as the good one. They are also very strong.
There are two types of mermaids: the evil ones and the kind ones. The evil ones are not as pretty as the good ones and drown girls who come close. They also drown ships by singing this beautiful song making them in love with them. The mermen are not evil nor good. They choose their path.
Dragons are independent and love to sleep. They hate company and live in dark places: such as caves. They have different elements and are sometimes mean.
Werewolves are dangerous at the full moon but friendly at day and full moonless night. Most of them are independent and love to eat meat. One bite at the full moon means your cursed as a werewolf forever.
Vampires are hansom/beautiful. They usually romance other genders and strike when they're ready at night if they're awake. Other whys they get you asleep. They also love the dark.