Make 10 Classic Decisions And We'll Tell You Your Uniqueness Percentage
Make 10 Classic Decisions And We'll Tell You Your Uniqueness Percentage
Coke or Pepsi? Dogs or Cats? Choose between these 10 all-time-great conundrums and we'll tell you how unique you are in comparison to the rest of the population!
Coke or Pepsi? Dogs or Cats? Choose between these 10 all-time-great conundrums and we'll tell you how unique you are in comparison to the rest of the population!

Eat up! Fruit or Vegetables?
Drink up! Coke or Pepsi?
Jam out to the Beatles or Rolling Stones?
Desert time... Sweet or Salty?
Time to look your best. Black or Brown?
Companion time! Cats or Dogs?
Uh oh... Road trip to Rap or Country?
Take to the Stars.... WAR or TREK?
Lifestyle... Urban or Rural?
And color preference? Red, Blue, Green, or Purple?
Amazing! You have a lot in common with the core of the population!
Amazing! You have a lot in common with the core of the population!
Interesting! Your uniqueness is set at 48%, with 50% being the average middle ground. Is it a bad thing to be "in the know" and up on cultural trends? We don't think so! Your unique set of answers shows you are very much in-step with what current culture defines as "choice".
How about your friends and family? Share and see what they get!
Wow! Your Uniqueness is Well Above Average!
Wow! Your Uniqueness is Well Above Average!
Fantastic - You're Uniqueness is high at 66%, with 50% being the "normal" range. You're defined set of answers shows an individual who is more unique than similar to the bulk of society, which is absolutely something to be proud of. Your tastes are defined by personal preference and not social norms. Interesting indeed!
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WOW! Your Uniqueness Is VERY High!
WOW! Your Uniqueness Is VERY High!
Now this is fascinating! You're Uniqueness is incredibly high at 87%, with 50% being the "normal" range. You're defined set of answers shows an individual who is more unique than similar to the bulk of society, and you're different enough to always be set apart from the rest - but not SO different that others have a hard time understanding you.
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EXCEPTIONAL! You're Uniqueness is INCREDIBLY High!
EXCEPTIONAL! You're Uniqueness is INCREDIBLY High!
Now this is truly something - You're Uniqueness is exceptionally high at 98%, with 50% being the "normal" range. This makes you, by far, one of the most unique individuals to ever take this evaluation! You're defined set of answers shows an individual who is vastly more unique than similar to the bulk of society, which is absolutely something to be proud of, though it may make you much more likely to butt heads with others. Your tastes are defined by personal preference and not social norms. Fascinating!
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