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Only 1 in 15 People Will Ace This Hanukkah Holiday Trivia

How will you fare?

Angel Estrada
Created by Angel Estrada
On Dec 17, 2018
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1 / 8

What is the other commonly accepted English spelling of Hanukkah, backed by the Oxford dictionary?

2 / 8

How many candles does a menorah hold?

3 / 8

What do the eight even/leveled stems of the menorah represent?

4 / 8

And what is the ninth candle?

5 / 8

But wait, why do some menorahs only have seven stems/candles?

6 / 8

What is this little guy?

7 / 8

And what is it used for?

8 / 8

On what date does the first night of Hanukkah begin?

Questions left
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