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Could You Pass High School Geography?

You surely know as much about Earth's geography as the average high school student, right? Well let's just put that to the test!

Angel Gabrielli
Created by Angel Gabrielli
On Apr 13, 2017
1 / 15

What is the largest ocean in the world?

2 / 15

Where is Mt. Kilimanjaro located?

3 / 15

What is the largest freshwater lake in the world?

4 / 15

How many countries are in Central America?

5 / 15

What is the driest place on Earth?

6 / 15

Vatican City is located in which country?

7 / 15

With over 12 million people inhabiting it, what is China's largest city?

8 / 15

Nigeria is a hot tropical nation in _____ Africa.

9 / 15

What is the capital of Afghanistan?

10 / 15

What imaginary line of latitude runs from North Pole to South Pole through Greenwich, England?

11 / 15

In what English city would you find Stonehenge?

12 / 15

When it is summer in the United States, what season is it in Australia?

13 / 15

Bucharest is the capital of which European country?

14 / 15

What is India's LEAST populous state?

15 / 15

Where is the Levantine Basin located?

Questions left
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