How Well Do You Remember "My Girl" 25 Years Later?
How Well Do You Remember "My Girl" 25 Years Later?
25 years ago "My Girl" was released in theaters. It made us laugh, it made us cry, and it made us think about our own lives. How well do you remember this fantastic tale?
25 years ago "My Girl" was released in theaters. It made us laugh, it made us cry, and it made us think about our own lives. How well do you remember this fantastic tale?

This is Vada, the main character. What is her last name?
Vada suffers from which of these conditions/illnesses?
This boy is Vada's best friend. What is his middle initial?
Harry, Vada's father, runs what business in town?
Name this woman who begins working for Harry at his business.
Vada secretly fears that ...
What is Vada's nickname for her grandmother?
Where do Vada and Thomas share their first kiss?
Shelly and Vada become friends until Shelly ...
Who does Vada have a secret crush on?
What kind of class does Vada sign-up for in order to impress her crush?
Thomas went back for Vada's ring and is killed by what?
How does Vada find out about Thomas' death?
Where does Vada try running away to after Thomas' death?
When visiting with Thomas' mom, Vada delivers some comfort. What does Mrs. Sennett give Veda?