How Well Do You Remember The Adventures Of The Ninth Doctor?
How Well Do You Remember The Adventures Of The Ninth Doctor?
Doctor Who came back to television in 2005. This trivia will test your knowledge of the Ninth Doctor's adventures through time and space!
Doctor Who came back to television in 2005. This trivia will test your knowledge of the Ninth Doctor's adventures through time and space!
![Angel Gabrielli](
In the Ninth Doctor's first episode he defeats the ______ with "anti-plastic".
The Doctor visits Platform One to view the end of the Earth in the year 5.5/Apple/26. Also known as the year ...
The Ninth Doctor also encounters this alien while on Platform One. What is he called?
In "The Unquiet Dead" the Doctor tries to save these gaseous creatures known as the ______.
What building gets hit by a crashing spacecraft, revealing the existence of aliens to the Earth?
The Ninth Doctor first discovers a Dalek in the USA, in an underground bunker. In which state is the bunker located?
Which of these aliens come from the planet "Raxacoricofallapatorius"?
This guy traveled with the Doctor and Rose to Satellite 5. What is his name?
What year do they travel to when Rose tries to save her father's life?
Captain Jack Harkness is a Time Agent, and con man, from the ____ century.
What was the name of the Doctor working to treat a disease that transformed people's faces into gas masks?
Captain Harkness and the Doctor cure the "disease" using nanogenes from a _____ warship.
The next time the Doctor runs into Blon Fel-Fotch Passameer-Day Slitheen, she is the Mayor of Cardiff. What human name is she using?
How are contestants brought to Satellite 5 for the various game shows such as "The Weakest Link", in which Rose was trapped?
The Ninth Doctor plans to defeat the Daleks by transmitting a ______ wave.